2024-06-06 00:29:00







In the space of the home, you can see the freshness of minimalism. The kitchen is located in the entrance area, with transparent elements added to the space, bringing a bright feeling. The storage cabinet can hold kitchen supplies and also meet the storage needs of the entrance space. The layout division is very appropriate, with exquisite corners and vibrant details. Different materials are integrated into a simple and elegant space, expressing a sense of luxury through delicate textures, and combining art with functionality to showcase modern beauty.


Just entering the space, the abstraction of the imitation rock slab material is located on the wall, adding a brilliant touch to the space, giving the lightweight space a calm temperament. The living room is spacious and bright, with gray and white as the tone, giving it a very elegant appearance. Wood colored materials decorate the ceiling and table, adding a warm atmosphere. The placement of different furniture is very appropriate, and the overall connection is smooth.


The background of the bedroom space and bedding are dark gray, and the tranquil colors make the heart instantly quiet. The white walls form a combination. A pair of wooden backrests release a warm feeling, while the green plants next to them release vitality. The sunlight enters the space through the glass window, and each illuminated area forms its own picture. The fashionable chandelier hangs down, emitting the beauty of starlight.


In the other design scheme, the space still adopts a minimalist style with no unnecessary colors and decorations. The combination of black, white, and gray brings a relaxed and elegant feeling. Guests, diners, and chefs coexist in the same space, creating a stronger sense of transparency. The white island platform and black tables and chairs are connected, and the artistic paintings on the wall enhance the dining ceremony.


The light gray sofa in the living room is sufficient to carry the comfort of time, and under the L-shaped layout, it faces the direction of the large floor to ceiling window. Under a broad view, the urban landscape combines with the magnificent river scenery, carrying sunlight into the interior. The two side tables are elegant and warm, and the patterns on the gray carpet are full of artistic sense. The overall design without main lights also makes the space more concise.


The bedroom ceiling tilts at an angle, designed for helplessness, and the dark gray background wall adds lines to increase spatial hierarchy. The white bedding is very soft, providing a comfortable feeling. Adding wooden elements to the space is not only practical, but also releases a natural atmosphere. Opening the curtains, the sunlight is so warm, making the space brighter. The patterns on the stone brick floor are full and delicate, emitting an artistic atmosphere through the texture.

内容策划 / Presented


2024-06-06 00:29:00


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